You know how women are. They silently fight each other all day, trying to win dominance over one another. Then, out of nowhere, one of them takes a pee on the other one.
Oh wait, I meant women DOGS. Bitches, I guess, to be exact. Stella and Pixie to be precise.
I thought having small girl dogs, would mean they’d be… you know, more girlie gentle and less boy belligerent. But these two, thanks to trouble maker Pixie, wrestle and chase each other around the house. The worst part, or best, depending on how you see it, is that they dry hump each other. Or as boys like to call it, fake rape. Whichever, I thought this was something only boy dogs would do. Really.
And I’m pretty sure Stella peeing on Pixie was a mistake the other night. Just too much excitement as they wrestled around and she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. But, was it? You know how women are. They pounce, bite, snarl, yip, and hold each other down.
I was talking about the dogs, who did you think I meant?