I was in line at the post office when I noticed one of my envelope flaps had torn and was not staying shut. I asked if I could have just a small 1″ piece of scotch tape to keep it sealed. “No.”
I’m sorry, you must not have understood me, I just need a 1″ piece of tape to keep this envelope to stay closed before I mail it. “No, I’m sorry we don’t do that.”
You realize I can see that you have tape right in front of you? Ok, so let me make sure I understand you. You want me to get in my car, drive home, get a 1″ piece of tape, drive back here, and get in line all over again? “Yes.” Wow. I’m pregnant, does that help? “No.”
Before I could go all POSTAL on him, I noticed a woman taping up boxes on the other side of the building. Thankfully, SHE had the decency to gave me a piece of tape.
Man, the post office has issues. They need to see somebody about this.