Hummer vs. Old Lady

I have this thing with Hummers and the people that drive them.  How small does it have to be before you feel you have to drive one of these things around?  And you know what “it” is don’t you?  I don’t have to explain it, do I?

I’ve posted on Facebook some interesting pictures of people and their Hummer’s and their cockiness.  Or stupidity.  I’m not ever sure which it really is.

But now, something has altered my view.  As I pulled my gas sipping Prius into the parking lot, a gas gulping Hummer pulled in right across from me.  The guy was driving while holding the cell phone to his ear.  Of course he was.  He’s driving a Hummer.  It gives hime the right to.

But then, I ended up in line behind him.  And something weird happened.  He was polite, appeared to be quite self-actualized and had a sense of humor.  WHAT?  How is this possible?  He drives a Hummer!  He even offered to let me go in front of him in line.  Now, that’s a rarity here in Los Angeles where lines are always long.

Then, some old lady tried to bud in front of me!  She was coming straight towards me with her cart and just stared at me.  I said “Do you need to get through here?”  She said “Yes” but then didn’t go through, she STAYED in front of me.  The Hummer driver looked at me, laughed and told her “The end of the line is over there.”  And she responded with something about being able to stay there.  So I said “Excuse me.  I’m sorry, why do you get to go in front of me?”  And she has the balls to say “You asked if I needed through here.”  Like she’s Betty White or something.  OK lady.  Yes I did, but since when does THROUGH mean BUD IN FRONT OF ME.  I decided that pregnant wins over old and I booted her to the back of the line.

Hummer driver’s 1.  Old Ladies, 0.


  1. This is too funny. I love your stories. Makes me wonder who would win, Harley Davidson vs. Wheelchair.

  2. That cracked me up. I would say that many people have a stereotypical idea of what the Prius drivers act like as well. LOL Crazy old lady, get in the back of the line. LOL

  3. Jeanne Lykens

    knowledge is power

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