Archive for June, 2011


This gorgeous photo of my newphew and his mama was taken recently at his big 3rd birthday party.  And yes, that is his awesome robot cake!

Bath Day

Max likes his bath days. And Pixie does too. But now that Stella is the Boss of Pixie she can’t relax and must stand at attention at all times.


Warning: This video may make you sea sick. Or envious. I want one of these. Where is the adult section at Toys R Us?

It’s all in the wrist

The easiest part for me was BEING pregnant.  It was difficult to GET pregnant.  It was difficult to get UNpregnant.  And now the difficutly in the AFTER pregnant is… pain!

Pain in the abdomen from the c-section.  Pain in the nipple from breastfeeding.  And now I have pain in my wrist.

I have what’s called “the new mommy wrist”.  All my doctor says, is that many new mommy’s get it since holding a newborn uses areas of the hand not normally used.  And the severity varies from person to person.  Her only answer as to HOW to solve it, is to see an orthopedic surgeon.

I also haven’t found a girlfriend yet that’s had it, to gather any advice from, so I must be the wussiest of the bunch.  But I have searched online and found plenty of other wrist pain complainers like myself.  I guess while I was pregnant, I should have been using my dumbells for wrist curls and forearm buffing.

Basically, I have tendonitis with the pain running from my thumb nuckle down to the middle of my forearm.  If I so much as move my thumb a quarter of an inch outward or bend my wrist in attempt to lift, pull or grab, the pain sends me cussing to the sky!

Anyone who encounters me out and about, and can’t SEE the pain happening to me, must think I have tourette syndrome or have an imaginary friend that I’m having a fight with.  I’ll do something seemingly ordinary, like try to close my wallet with my left hand, and then I’ll wince in pain and utter a “oh fuck you” or “goddamnit”.

It’s amazing to realize just how much wrist action goes into the small things.  Like drying your hands.  I have to hold my left hand still and have my right hand drape the towel around it.  And with picking up or holding Max, I have to be really, really careful.  Not only does my wrist hurt, but it’s weak.  I basically slide my left hand underneath him, very carefully, and then hold on really tight with my right.

Rest seems to be the best thing for it.  After a couple of days of good behavior and using my hand as little as possible, the pain lessens.  But with less pain, I get all carefree and do something CRAZY like squeeze the toothpaste or open a jar of peanutbutter and it sends me cussing to the sky all over again.

Joe went out and bought me a wrap for my hand.  I wore it one day, but as much as I wash my hands with the new baby, I have to keep taking it off and on again.  Which is a total pain in the ass.  And I just don’t want pain there too!


My intention is to post something here every day during the week.  Hence the ‘look here daily’.  But, the days just seem to get away from me lately and I get a little behind.  I THINK about what I want to post here in my head.  But actually having TWO hands free to type it out, doesn’t seem to happen!    Once Max is feeding less than every 2 hours, I’ll have more free time.  Right?

I love these doctors that stress the importance that in between feedings, I sleep and eat well (fatty, high calorie foods like steak and cheesecake).  Seriously? There’s NO TIME to do that!  Let alone everything else I want to accomplish in the day.  If I feed Max at 9:00am – 9:45, burp, change his diaper and HOPEFULLY settle him down into his swing or somewhere all by say 10:30, I have 30 MINUTES to sleep and eat well before it’s time to feed him again at 11:00?  Yeah, like I’m going to go out and fire up the grill for a nice juicy steak AND catch a nap.  All in 30 minutes.  Seriously?

And now that I’m starting to pump in between feedings I’m even more confused as to how they expect me to do that.  If I ever want to build up a supply of milk in the freezer, I’ll have to pump all day!  They must be joking.

9:00 – 9:45  feed
9:45 – 10:00 burp, change diaper, settle in
10:00 – 10:30 run over to pump machine and pump
10:30 – 11:00 clean and dry pump
11:00 – 11:45 run over to Max to feed
11:45 – 12:00 burp…

Seriously?  I don’t get it.  WHEN EXACTLY am I supposed to sleep and eat?  Let alone things like: take a pee, take a shower, return a phone call, or just any USUAL day to day things.

Seriously.  Surely, they jest.