You HAVE to do the standard studio type photos of your kids. Don’t you? I get so many ads shoved down my throat for them, I feel like it’s a necessity. Like food and diapers. And if I don’t do it, I’m somehow a bad parent. As if one day all his friends in Kindergarten will ask in amazement and disgust “Your mom never had studio photos taken of you?”
Of course after making the appointment Max came down with the sniffles so I thought I may have to cancel. Will his nose be all red? Then hours before, he fell and bit his lip making a bloody mess. Will his lip be swollen? AND to top it off, when he woke up from his nap he had a little scratch on his forehead. Sigh. So, we had to part his hair the opposite way at the last minute making him look different and somehow like his hair was longer than usual? How did that happen?
But we made it through. We got some pictures of Max and we also did some family photos. I wanted some family shots because I thought it would be hilarious to have a family portrait of us where I’m VERY pregnant and Max is less than a year old.
What we SHOULD have done, was dress very white trash/hillbilly with cigarettes rolled up in our sleeves and beer cans strewn around for props. And gave that dead stare into the camera. Or maybe just one eye looking straight into camera and the other eye wandering about.
But alas, we did not. Just your standard portrait. Albeit still funny, on its own, that I’m so pregnant with an eleven month old.
thx for sharing great photo – lovely family