I know I don’t talk much about work on here. That’s because there isn’t a lot of acting work for women who are pregnant. And even if they do want a pregnant woman, they can hire anyone and just put a fake belly on her. Movie magic.
But I’m mentioning it now since the long awaited results of the SAG / AFTRA merger were announced today. It was approved. I don’t know what this means for future acting gigs. Or residuals. Or lack there of. I don’t know what will happen to our pensions. Or health insurance plans. And I don’t know if this will lead to more or less work.
I just hope it is truly the right path to take for all fellow actors.
And… here… we… go!
I snuck away to the gym today for a 20 minute bike ride and lift weights (don’t worry, nothing over 30 lbs!)
On the TV while I was there, CNN was showing a news story on Alicia Silverstone feeding her baby from her mouth. She chews the food and then feeds her baby like a bird. Umm… it’s totally not for me, but what do you think? Is it gross? Highly evolved? If you have an opinion, leave a comment here – I’d love to know what you think! Here’s the video for any of you who haven’t seen it yet:
Max moved into our bedroom. We moved our bedroom into the office. And the office moved into Max’s bedroom.
It sort of feels like we moved to a new house. And all the chaos that goes with it.
Not only did we all move bedrooms, but I’m finally baby proofing too. Moving things like knives and booze from bottom cabinets to upper cabinets (and still figuring out where everything will go) AND we’re creating a little guest room area for visitors.
It’s much easier to do things like this when you are moving stuff from a smaller room to a bigger room where there is plenty of space for everything. The challenge is in moving from a larger room to a smaller room and deciding what to get rid of and how the hell the rest is going to fit.
The #1 reason we did all of this moving, was to put Max into our old bedroom since it’s a bigger and we’re hoping he and his sister can share a room (after she’s had her few months in our room).
Most people I talked to said their kids loved sharing a room when they were little, so fingers crossed it all works out. If they don’t like it, we can always put one of them in a tent out back. What? Oh, c’mon. You know I kid.
Time. During the last pregnancy, we were very busy with some major projects that ate up most of our time. However, we actually HAD the time to tackle the projects. Now Max eats up most of our time and IS our main project. Sort of. With another one on the way, getting ready for her is a project as well. Happily, I must add. I’m not complaining. Just reporting the facts.
During the last pregnancy I had time for things like exercise. This time around it is so different. I’m definitely not exercising as much. I’m exercising enough for the health of me and the baby. But my concern is getting my body back after TWO PREGNANCIES BACK TO BACK. Seriously. I’m going to LIVE at the gym after I have this baby. So if you’re looking for me, try there first.
During the last pregnancy, if I had errands to run or groceries to buy, I just walked out the door. Now, there is a lot of planning: One, where will I pee when I have to go because this baby in my belly is putting on the pressure and when I have to go I HAVE TO GO NOW!
Second, how much food do I need to pack for Max and I? How many diaper changes? How many toys? Can I get everything done and be back in time for his nap?
By the time I’ve figured out the answer to all these questions it’s too late, I’ve missed the window and now I need to change his diaper, feed him lunch and get him down for a nap. So I don’t go anywhere. Or seem to get anything accomplished.
During the last pregnancy, I wrote here on my blog almost everyday. Now, I’ve been working on getting just this one post published for about a week. I’m still taking lots of photos and videos, but actually getting them posted here, is not so easy.
I have, however, found time to eat ice cream every day. Look, I said I don’t have much TIME, but I still have my priorities straight!
Remember this video of Max just kickin’ it relaxing in the tub? Well those days ended. Abruptly. He suddenly decided one day to HATE bath time. He would cry and cry. And cry. Then it turned into screams. It was like we were torchering him. Like he’d heard about ‘waterboarding’ and thought we were moving in that direction.
Trying different things to make it enjoyable again, we moved into a shower-like bath where Joe would hold Max standing up in the tub while I suds him up and rinsed him off. That seemed to be ok for awhile, but then that became just a big crying mess too.
Our next attempt, was Joe putting on some swim trunks and hopping in the tub with some toys. Then I’d bring Max in for “play time in the water”. The first night, Max just hung on to Joe for dear life and didn’t look down at the water.
The second night he loosened up a bit and would hold a toy or two and even sat down in the water for a whole minute!
By the third night he was eager to get in the tub! It only took three nights! Yippee! He was finally comfortable enough to sit in the water, play with the bath toys and have some fun!
By the fourth night I didn’t know if he was going to like LEAVING the tub. We were afraid to end “play time in the water” thinking he might now have the OPPOSITE reaction and cry, cry, cry because bath time was over!
Funny how these quirks come up and you have to get creative and find solutions. Every. Day.