This gorgeous photo of my newphew and his mama was taken recently at his big 3rd birthday party. And yes, that is his awesome robot cake!
Max likes his bath days. And Pixie does too. But now that Stella is the Boss of Pixie she can’t relax and must stand at attention at all times.
Some people handle stress better than others. And same goes for the dogs. Stella and Pixie are handling the arrival of Max differently.
Stella, who is too smart for her own good, understands there are changes and also worries about them. You can just see her processing and working to understand everything. She strives to be the BEST dog she can be, and is trying to figure out HOW she can be of help.
Unfortunately for Pixie, Stella decided that she can be of help by being: The Boss of Pixie.
When Pixie barks or whines (her expertise) Stella now either pounces on her to hold her down with her two front paws OR attacks her with even more barking to try and quiet her. This usually ends up in a scuffle of some sort. Stella means well by doing this, but she’s causing more trouble by getting Pixie upset, rather than just let Pixie do her barking or whining.
While we recently had guests in the house to visit Max, it was at an all time high. Stella was on her like white on rice.
Pixie on the other hand seems somewhat oblivious and quite unaffected to the changes around here. She still just wants to know: When we are going to play ball? Where is my pink bunny? When do I get a treat?
I’m addicted to this little milk addict.
Pixie and Stella quietly waiting for the attention to turn back to them again. I hate to break it to them that that day may never come.