
Spending some quality time with Dad.


He contemplates as he sleeps.

Week Max

This photo was Joe’s idea.  After all those weeks of following the progression of Max inside my belly, he wanted to photograph Max on the outside of my belly.  It’s so trippy to think this little guy was inside of me just 12 days before this photo was taken.  See Week 39


“That was easy!” and “Oh, he’s a blondie!” were the first two things I heard the doctors and nurses exclaim after they lifted Max out of me during the c-section.  The operating room was mostly women and they giggled, “We hardly ever see blondies!  Joe, he looks just like you!”

Week 39

This concludes Week 39.  Tomorrow I am officially at Week 40.  And I’m STILL PREGNANT!!!  What is this kid doing?  Doesn’t he know what day it is?  See Week 38