Baby Planking

It’s a thing.  I guess.  Planking.  I do it all the time in yoga, sure.  But it’s made it’s place in pop culture, if you will, it’s trendy.

Sarah used to plank all the time.  It was her earliest version of standing.  Until she figured out she could use a toy, the sofa or a chair to fully stand, all she did was plank.

And she was sooo cute at it.

Merry Christmas To All

Last year, Max was much younger and didn’t mind being in Santa’s lap.  This year, however, was much different.  They took 4 photos, and I like this one the best because even though it breaks my heart to see him cry, it’s funny – like Max is looking at Sarah in disbelief: “Why aren’t you crying too? Do you know who’s lap you’re sitting in?”

Hands down

You make mistakes in life. It’s just the way it is. Some small and some really big. Unless of course you are perfect. But if you are, then first… you’re wrong.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Whether you admit to it or not.  And if you feel you are perfect, you probably don’t take any risks. Nor leave your house.  Nor have any amazing victories.  How could you possibly maintain perfect if you never take risks?

My daughter Sarah was not planned.  A big oops!

After all the work, time, effort and planning that went into having Max — it’s quite funny.  But isn’t that the way it goes? Life happens while you are making plans.

She is by far my best mistake ever made.  Hands down.

Just look at that sweet drooly mess… those kissable cheeks… puppy dog eyes… adorable ears… and pink feet!


iphone home

I finally broke down and traded in my forever problematic blackberry for an iphone.

Yes, my iphone is pretty, simple to use and works seamlessly with my Mac computers.

BUT, I really miss being the fastest texter this side of the Mississippi. Now I’m a one finger, typo, typo, delete, delete.

If only I could mix and match the Blackberry keyboard with everything else about the iphone.

Like it’s awesome camera capabilities.  I’m taking waaay more pictures than before because, well, I always have my phone on me.  Now, THAT is something I’m having fun with… and it’s worth losing my ‘fastest texter’ title.

Autumn egg

My favorite season is Autumn.  Yes, we have one here in Los Angeles!

For me, the first day of Autumn is when I feel that shift in the sun, the light it casts across the earth and in me.  Yesterday was that day.

This morning, even my hard boiled egg was showing signs of the season.  Does that not look like the shape of a leaf to you?

Remember scared banana?  And the orange heart?  Why I notice shapes in my food, I have no idea.

An even bigger question is, How did I find time to take a picture of my egg this morning?  And post about it here for you?  Again, I have no idea.

I’d just finished making Max his breakfast and was breastfeeding Sarah while I took the picture.  (I do a lot of things while breastfeeding these days. A mommy multitasking must!)

And while I type this, I’m holding Sarah and bouncing up and down to keep her happy.

Now I have to go because I’ve scheduled my shower time for 10:00am (also Max’s nap time) and don’t want to miss it!