
Yes, if you visit the Hollywood area, everyone knows you’ll find an eclectic group of people.  But Los Angeles as a whole is generally pretty normal.  If you think making millions of dollars and blowing it on hookers and coke, is Winning!, you’d be the minority.

But, if I was visiting Los Angeles for the first time, and witnessed the two events I’ve seen in the last two days, I would think Los Angeles was FULL of crazy people!

Yesterday I was at Whole Foods for about 20 minutes, just to pick up a few items.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw RADISHES FLYING through the air.  When I looked to see what was going on, a dark haired woman had grabbed a handful of radishes from the salad bar and threw them at a blonde woman and her two kids.  Did the blonde woman instigate or deserve a flying handful of radishes?  I don’t know.  Maybe I missed something.  But the blonde woman seemed just as surprised as I was as she turned around and asked the radish throwing woman “Excuse me? What’s your problem?”  The brunette radish thrower replied, “Leave me alone!”

I was standing about four feet from the radish thrower who had her back to me.  The blonde woman and I exchanged a look of “What the hell?”  And her two cute little kids just stood there quietly.  The radish thrower didn’t LOOK insane.  Should we call for help?  But then, we all went on about our business as if nothing happened.

Then today, after my belly’s audition… Yes, you heard me, my belly had an audition for a National Commercial.  The breakdown said they didn’t care about the mother’s appearance or performance, they just wanted to see her belly.  So if I book this job, I’ll have to officially call it our son’s first gig! cuz that belly wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for him.

Back to my story… after my audition, I went to Subway to grab a sandwich.  While finishing my order a woman came in and plunked her purse down, not at the start of the counter where you place your order, but in the middle of it and asked, “What’s the deal? Oh, ok, I know what I’ll order.”

I sat down with my sandwich when I could hear this same woman screaming at the employees “You spilled oil and vinegar all over my purse! Look at this!  This purse cost $75! Look at my checkbook!  It’s all wet!  Get me more napkins!” At first I thought maybe she’d set her purse down on something that was on the counter.  But after she went on for about 3 full minutes, I realized, yet again, that I was in the presence of ANOTHER CRAZY!

My first thought was Dude, I need to start carrying a video camera with me!

A few more minutes passed and I and the other patrons started to talk about her.  There is absolutely nothing on the counter or anywhere near, where her purse was sitting.  One guy noticed that she had an open can of Coke and that’s what looked like had spilled.  I got up to take a look and sure enough the spill looked like Coke, and the can was empty.

I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.  I said “I think you spilled your Coke and that’s what is all over your purse.” And she looked at me with her CRAZY eyes and said “Oh, you do huh? Well we’re all entitled to our own opinions.”  But then other patrons started to chime in with me and she started to quiet down.

One of the employees came out and got our name’s and phone number’s in case they needed us as witnesses.

Maybe I should stay home tomorrow.  And miss the next crazy?  No way!

Target Schmarget

You know that saying, “He’s picking on you because he likes you.”  I guess that’s why I give Target such a hard time.  First, I complained about Target outsourcing jobs from America to India.  Last time, I wrote about my disappointment with their pricing and political donating snafu and I asked “Clean up your act, would you?”

Well, now they’re being forced to do just that. Target has agreed to pay $22.5 million for dumping hazardous waste: “designed to cut corporate costs at the expense of public welfare…”

Keep it coming Target, my computer never runs out of ink.


I was in line at the post office when I noticed one of my envelope flaps had torn and was not staying shut. I asked if I could have just a small 1″ piece of scotch tape to keep it sealed. “No.”

I’m sorry, you must not have understood me, I just need a 1″ piece of tape to keep this envelope to stay closed before I mail it.  “No, I’m sorry we don’t do that.”

You realize I can see that you have tape right in front of you?  Ok, so let me make sure I understand you.  You want me to get in my car, drive home, get a 1″ piece of tape, drive back here, and get in line all over again? “Yes.”  Wow.  I’m pregnant, does that help?  “No.”

Before I could go all POSTAL on him, I noticed a woman taping up boxes on the other side of the building.  Thankfully, SHE had the decency to gave me a piece of tape.

Man, the post office has issues.  They need to see somebody about this.


Some things really crack me up.  Like this “eye makeup remover” which is specifically for eyes, right?  But then you turn it around and it says “Warnings: Avoid contact with eyes.”  Umm… what?

Good will. Not!

I hit the gym and a nearby restaurant for a quick bite. Right next door was a Goodwill so I just had to stop in and see if there were any cool, unique finds.  And I did find something unique for the baby room!  I’ll tell you about that later.

There also was this really silly product I’d never seen before, so I decided to take a picture of it.  “Tic Tac Toast”.  It basically puts lines on your toast so you can play “Tic Tac Toe” with pieces of bacon or other food. Is that absurdly hilarious, or what?  Another piece of worthless crap taking up space in the world!  Plus by the time you’re done playing “Tic Tac Toe” with your toast, who’s going to eat it?  The toast would be all cold and soggy. EWWW!

The best part, is that as soon as I took the photo, an employee rushed over, “No photography of items is allowed here!”  I laughed as though he just said THE STUPIDEST THING I’D EVER HEARD and challenged, “Why?

He didn’t have an answer.  What if I want to take a picture of something so I can email it to my husband to get his opinion before I make a purchase?  I do that all the time at other stores.  What’s the big deal, dude?

So I did what I always do when someone tells me NOT to do something, I turned the item around and took another picture.  What was he going to do?  Confiscate my camera?  Have me arrested?

I should have taken a picture of HIM and everything else in the store.  Just to see what he would do.  But (sigh) I didn’t.  I don’t always like to, but I do know how to act appropriately.

Besides, what are they afraid will happen?  That I might put the photos on the internet?  And then blog about it?