Color me

I mostly wear black.  I mostly decorate in browns.  Thankfully baby stuff comes in color!  And in the spring I am always swept away and in love with vibrant colors.  I bought some tulips, my orchid was in full bloom, the flowers in the yard looked gorgeous and I found myself running around this weekend taking pictures of everything Spring.









Bunny teeth

Just in time for Easter, Max got his two front bunny teeth in.  His Dr. mentioned they were about to come in at his 9 month visit and we’d been keeping an eye on them ever since.  They finally poked through the gums a couple weeks ago and are still getting longer.

So he now has two front bottom teeth and two front top teeth.  Perfect for a giving really good bites.  And boy are they sharp!  He leans in to give you a little nibble as though he’s giving you a kiss.  It’s his way of showing affection.  Plus since we laugh when he does it, we’re only encouraging more nibbles.  We’ll behave ourselves soon and tell him it’s not OK.  After all, we don’t want him biting some girl in pre-school because he thinks it’s a great way to let her know he likes her.


Week 32 (Pregnancy #2)

During Week 32 of my pregnancy with Max – I wrote that I was starting to slow down. It’s the same this time too. A little less energy and definitely feeling the strength and size of this little girl in my belly.


I’ve told you before how Max is now making his way all over the house.  He’s walking, but only when holding on to something.  Grandma (Joe’s Mom) sent him a Dinosaur toy to help his walking skills since his big ONE year birthday is coming up this month.  He needs a little help on steering it, but like the walker, he’ll master it in no time.  And then, it’s on to the next level of TROUBLE!

I let him open the box when it arrived. And then he put the Dinosaur together himself. Believe me?

Sweat and Vegetables

For me, there is no such thing as too much sweat or too many vegetables. OK, what the hell am I talking about? I’m sure you have a couple of things you could never get enough of, right? Well, two at the top of my list are sweat and vegetables.

I thought of this the other day while I was at the gym watching CNN’s story on Alicia Silverstone mouth feed her baby, and realized how much I miss going to the gym for a good sweat.

I don’t get there very often right now with all the busy busy going on getting ready for baby #2. Nor am I allowed to really get a gritty, dirty, sweaty, hard-core workout in while I’m pregnant. No heavy lifting. And no good pounding heartrate. AND… UMM, I’VE BEEN PREGNANT SINCE JULY 2010!  So, yeah, I haven’t had much  opportunity to get a really good sweat on.

OK, yes I had 4 months in between pregnancies. But 2 of those were spent recovering from a c-section and during that time my Dr. wouldn’t even allow me to do yoga.  YOGA!

Alright, back to my sweat and vegetables jabber.  So then while I was blogging about the gym and Alicia, the bird feeder, I was eating a salad which reminded me that Alicia is some sort of raw food eater or something and it just got me thinking about how much I love raw vegetables.

The salads I make are not just heaps of iceberg lettuce. Mine are more like a big bowl of mixed raw vegetables and a few extras like spinach, kale, musrooms, carrots, peppers, onion, brocolli, any veggie will do, topped with almonds and feta cheese.  And I can’t get enough of it.

Put me in a gym for a killer workout or even better – out in the hot sun for some hard physical labor like landscaping (I used to do a lot of yard work at my old house) and then sit me down at the end of it for a huge yummy bowl of raw vegetables and I. am. in. heaven.

Again, what the hell am I talking about?  Two things I love.  That’s it.

And umm, it is my blog so I can talk about whatever crazy shit I want.