We’ve been cleaning up the backyard and cleared out a big, old banana plant. It had been blocking the sun to this little vine that was tucked in a corner.
Now that it gets sun – look at it! It’s not only growing like crazy but to our surprise it flowers too! Gorgeous. And it’s January! Back in Minnesota I certainly never had any blooming plants in January. I do love California.
Max received a walker as a gift from his nanny. Oh, have I not mentioned her yet? Hmm… will have to get a picture of her posted here!
Max didn’t get it at first and kept trying to bounce in it! But once we pushed him around a bit and he realized his legs could touch the ground – he was off! Now he’s quite good at maneuvering it around. A little too good.
Our pediatrician’s office doesn’t recommend these things for safety reasons, but he likes it a lot – so we limit his use and really, really keep our eyes on him so he can’t get into trouble.
Once he’s walking without a walker? That’s when we are definitely in trouble.
It’s fun to watch other people work isn’t it? Especially when you could pitch in and help them, but you choose not to for nothing more than lack of thoughtfulness. Or brains.
I shop at Trader Joe’s often for groceries. For any of you who’ve never been there, it’s a small chain so there isn’t always a lot of staff to help bag groceries when checking out. Meaning, the gal or guy who runs all your items through the scanner, sometimes has to then bag all those items. When only one person is doing both of those tasks, it can take awhile. Espeicially if you have a big order.
I find it super easy to open a bag and throw some of my groceries in it while the cashier scans items. I think it’s a nice thing to do, if nothing else. It makes them happy, gives me something to do, lightens their work load and I get out of there faster and so does the person in line behind me.
So it’s amazing to me when I see people with tons of groceries just stand there and stare at the cashier, watching them do all the work. Literally just standing there. DOING NOTHING. Just standing there! Watching. Last week I saw a middle-aged couple do this and they must have stood there for 20 minutes. Watching. Not moving. Doing nothing.
I wanted to say “Hey, guys. Open a bag and throw some of your shit in it, would ya? You’re taking forever AND making the cashier do ALL the work. Hello? Anyone home? Why are you just standing there?”
But I didn’t.
Can anyone explain this human phenomenon to me? I just don’t get it. Are they lazy? Stupid? Think they are above helping? Thoughtless? I seriously want to know WHAT if anything is going on in their head. Maybe I’ll ask them next time. I’ll let you know what they say.
Last June I told you about a piece that aired on Entertainment Tonight about my gig as Angelina’s double. Now there’s another one that ran on The Insider. The producers there are great. I love everyone that works there. They were even sweet enough to mention this blog! But I think it’s funny. It’s as if NOTHING NEW HAS HAPPENED IN HOLLYWOOD! Can you believe they still call for interviews? There just has to be something better, newer or more exciting that’s happened in Hollywood. Isn’t there? Anyone? Bueller?
Now this is the right way to start the day. And hey, why not 2012?
Max loves his jumper from Grandma! I put Max in this while I do some pilates or yoga next to him. That way we are both getting our work-outs in at the same time.
Warning: This video may make you dizzy or give you motion sickness. And may be a form of birth control for some of you.