Hitler represents

If you haven’t seen these before, you’re in for a treat. Hitler, speaking in German, is on a rant. And what that rant is depends on the person typing in those witty subtitles.

Here in Los Angeles, a main freeway is being closed down for a weekend. It’s known as Carmaggedon. And Hitler is REALLY pissed about it. How is he supposed to get to the LAX?

If you’d like to see more videos like this one, just go to Youtube and type in “Hitler rants”.

Mama’s don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys

I remember being a kid. I remember being a kid in a really cool old country bar. I think I was in South Dakota. I remember a Jukebox. I remember dark red booths. I remember people drinking beer. I remember OLD style REAL country music. To this day, when I hear old style country music, or visit a bar with red booths, it affects me.

To be clear, I DO NOT mean music by Shinawa Twain. Or any modern country. I mean, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings.

This may coinside with me and my inner 80 year old man. I’m just sayin’…

And I thought of this song recently when it comes to myself Max…

10 fingers

In the last few weeks Max has discovered his hands. He is content for hours just watching them. And they taste good too.

16 pounder

Whoa. A woman in Texas gave birth to a baby the size of Texas! Click here for the full story.

And now a word from our sponsor

Pixie wants to tell you something…