Sitting Bull

Remember when I talked about how Joe is the cover of the new Call of Duty Black Ops?  That ad campaign is crazy, out of control, everywhere. Seriously, I guess it’s the biggest ad campaign, for a single product, ever.  If you haven’t seen his picture, you must live under a rock.  Or way up in the mountains.  With a long beard.  And no running water.

Millions of dollars have been spent on promotion, including a launch party at the Santa Monica Airport where you could hear Metallica play live, drink from the open bar and play the game.  All at the same time. Sensory overload, dude.  And awesome.

I didn’t get to go.  Whaaaat?  I know!  I wanted to, but attendees had to of worked on the project, or be military personnel, or from the band Metallica or…  I will however be attending the wrap party which I’m hoping will be just as cool.

The game was released yesterday and with Joe also in the game, so you can choose him to be your guy to shoot up your opponents in the virtual world.

And have you seen their commercial “There’s A Soldier In All of Us”?  Not only is this commercial cool, with added fun appearances by Kobe Bryant and Jimy Kimmel, but I’m friends with a lot of the people who worked on it so it’s extra fun for me.


  1. i’m viewing from my phone so i hope i’m not missing anything. would love an autograph – email me! Thanks in advance! Jenette x :)

  2. I’d love to get an autographed game! How can I get one? Thank you for the help I hope! Tashia x :)

  3. Get out! That’s amazing…

  4. omg! my sons love this game! so cool he’s on the cover.


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