Clint’s chair

Clint can’t do wrong.  He just can’t.  He’s Clint.

He didn’t sway me to vote for Mitt.  But maybe he didn’t want to.

I love all the controversy over his speech for Mitt.  Or was it for Obama?  I mean, when you have that much controversy, whose to say that speech wasn’t intentionally meant to hurt rather than help Mitt?  Hmmm?

I give Clint an A+ for creativity and originality.  And that’s what he knows best.  It’s required in his line of work.  What?  Would you have preferred the same old speech delivery?  Clint standing there, reading what someone else wrote, from a teleprompter?

Clint just got up there and went with it.  Let’s see YOU try that.  And at the same time be funny, creative, entertaining AND get your point across to a live audience on national television.  Yeah, I thought so.

I love Obama’s response: “I’m a huge Clint Eastwood fan.”  Spoken like a true pro.

And if there’s one thing Clint knows best from being in Entertainment.  ANY publicity, is GOOD publicity.

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