Kiss Me

The best thing about this St. Patrick’s Day is that I’m NOT pregnant and can actually drink a Guinness for the first time in THREE years!  Yup, 2010 was the last St. Patrick’s Day I was pregnant free and able to have a drink to my Irish ancestry.

I’m mostly Scottish.  Or so my Grandmother tells me.  With a mix of a few other nationalities, I’m officially a mutt.  But, in that mix, there IS a little Irish.  And apparently I LOOK very Irish because I get asked “Are you Irish?” All. The. Time.

Irish or not, what really sounds good to me, is a pub tour in Ireland.  Someday I will do that.

For now I’ll just have to settle for St. Patrick’s Day with my home cooked beef brisket and cabbage with a nice, big, fat, delicious, Guinness.

Oh, and my two babies are only a year apart – give or take a few weeks – doesn’t that qualify as Irish twins?

Cheers to you and yours.  May the luck of the Irish be with you.



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