Mornings with Max 2

Mornings with Max used to be much more about eating and laying around than anything else. Now they are all about running around the house trying to keep up with him.

I never know which camera to have on hand. Video or still. And it rarely matters since whatever I wanted to capture him doing — he’s usually done doing it by the time I get the camera turned on and in focus.

But this morning, I caught a few shots I love of Max looking out the window. Yes, I think he stood still for a whole three seconds.

I heart you

Happy Valentine’s Day!  I’ve been eating chocolate since I woke up.  But that’s just usual for me anyway.

Today is both our dog’s birthdays because we say so.  That’s right, because we say so.  Since they are both rescues, we don’t know their actual birth dates so we had to make one up.

The first time I took Stella in to the vet for her adoption check up, it was Valentine’s Day and so the Vet office put in her birthday on file as THAT day and I just decided to go with it.   Then when we adopted Pixie – we made her birthday Valentine’s Day too.  Why not?  Makes it easy to remember!

Valentine’s Day must also be Vet Day too.  At least in this house.  Today I had to take Pixie in to cut her dew (thumb) nail and bandage her up because she snagged it on something over the weekend.  What she snagged it on, we don’t know.

Joe took Pixie and Stella out for a nighttime pee and then tucked them into bed.  (Yes, ok we tuck our dogs into bed.  So?)  And afterwards Joe noticed some drops of blood on the floor.  And that’s how we discovered she’d snagged it.

She’s all fine.  Taking antibiotics just to be sure she doesn’t get an infection.  And wearing a little heart bandage.  Awe, Pixie.  You’re a heartbreaker.

Play time

Max’s first play time with an older woman!  She’s a whole 1 year old and Max is only 9 months.

The craziest thing happened

Oops!  Baby #2 is on her way.  Can you believe it? Yes, Max was just born in April.  I know, I KNOW! Irish twins, as they say.  Only 13 months apart.  Due in May.

No, we did not plan this.  And yes, I did say HER.  It’s a girl!

I’d have told you sooner, but I have good reasons for holding back the information.  One of which is: BECAUSE I’M STILL IN DENIAL!

Is this really happening?

It’s going to be a little crazy around here very soon.  But a good kind of crazy.

Lovin’ me some Max