I was settling in for a relaxing Saturday evening (as relaxing as an evening can be with two under two). Or so I thought.
Joe had just finished up our tax appointment – I’d been in earlier during the week – and we had good news.
I was making dinner – just some pasta, meat and sauce. I’d call it spaghetti, but Joe has informed me that I can only call it spaghetti if I use spaghetti noodles. So what do I call it when I use penne pasta? I don’t know, but that’s what I was making.
At 4:30 a call came in for a last minute rush audition in Hollywood. “Can you be there by 6:00?” I knew being an actor with two little ones would be challenging when it came to scheduling, but not THIS challenging. Luckily, I could go since Joe was now home.
Saturday night traffic and parking in Hollywood. Oh, joy.
While I was gone, Joe finished making dinner and got both kids fed. AND Sarah pooped so much during dinner in her high chair, it was oozing out of her diaper. So Joe had a fun time cleaning her up and disinfecting the chair.
When I got home it was time to get Max and Sarah ready for bed. I made their bedtime milks, started cleaning up and running a bath for Max. (We’ve come a long way with Max’s baths. He used to scream like we were torturing him and now he love, love, loves it.)
All was going smoothly until: Poop in the tub!
If you don’t have kids you might wondering what exactly “poop in the tub” means.
But for those of you who do, you know how this can derail the bedtime routine. And make the evening oh so much more… colorful.
The thought crossed my mind – I could just wipe him down with baby wipes and call it a night? No, I can’t. I won’t be able to sleep. I drained the tub. Cleaned the tub. Disinfected the tub. Disinfect all the toys that were in the tub…
Meanwhile Max is running around the bathroom naked. Opening cupboards. Climbing on the toilet. Playing with the garbage. And he peed in the cupboard and all over the floor. Yes.
We finally got bath number 2 underway and finished up as quickly as possible. A scrub down from head to toe all over again.
From the time that call came in at 4:30 until the kids went to bed and it was 8:30pm – it was non-stop. Ok, yes, all days are non-stop with two under the age of two, but those four hours were relentless.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Now, guess what? I have video. It just so happens, that after I’d given Max his bath and Joe was watching Max play in the tub while I got Sarah into her pajamas, Joe decided to do a little filming with his phone. You can hear Sarah and I in the background. If you aren’t too grossed out by a little poop, then this video is for you!
It’s a thing. I guess. Planking. I do it all the time in yoga, sure. But it’s made it’s place in pop culture, if you will, it’s trendy.
Sarah used to plank all the time. It was her earliest version of standing. Until she figured out she could use a toy, the sofa or a chair to fully stand, all she did was plank.
And she was sooo cute at it.
The best thing about this St. Patrick’s Day is that I’m NOT pregnant and can actually drink a Guinness for the first time in THREE years! Yup, 2010 was the last St. Patrick’s Day I was pregnant free and able to have a drink to my Irish ancestry.
I’m mostly Scottish. Or so my Grandmother tells me. With a mix of a few other nationalities, I’m officially a mutt. But, in that mix, there IS a little Irish. And apparently I LOOK very Irish because I get asked “Are you Irish?” All. The. Time.
Irish or not, what really sounds good to me, is a pub tour in Ireland. Someday I will do that.
For now I’ll just have to settle for St. Patrick’s Day with my home cooked beef brisket and cabbage with a nice, big, fat, delicious, Guinness.
Oh, and my two babies are only a year apart – give or take a few weeks – doesn’t that qualify as Irish twins?
Cheers to you and yours. May the luck of the Irish be with you.
I decided it was time to put Sarah to work. She is nine months now and needs to earn her keep! Ha! You know I kid, but I did want to get her on set and familiar with the process. These are pics from her first day on set. She’s worked 4 days in just the past few weeks. She loves it and it’s fun for us too. If she books anything like Max’s Honda commercial where you can view her in action – you know I’ll post it here for you to see xo
Remember the awesome Woombie I told you about that perfectly swaddled up Sarah quick and easy? Well, they are having a fun giveaway right now! The lucky winner will receive an Original Woombie swaddle (choice of either pineapple or pistachio) and a one month supply of Berry Sleepy. Click here to enter by March 20th – Good luck!